Erosion Control & Best Lakeshore Practices
Erosion takes many forms and can occur naturally but in all cases, the end result is that running water (stormwater runoff) picks up soil and transports sediment into our lake. Sediment carries nutrients that can cause deterioration of the water quality.
The practices outlined in the attached PDF are designed to trap stormwater and allow it to infiltrate into the ground before it reaches the lake, while also operating as functional and aesthetic landscaping features on a property. Some best management practices (BMPs) are useful for residential properties and some are specifically for use on private and town-owned roads. Residential BMPs are relatively simple to install and can be done by homeowners and landscapers. Road BMPs often require heavy machinery and in some cases require engineering (i.e. culvert installation).
For additional information on Stormwater Runoff and Erosion BMPs, please use the following resources:
● BMP Manuals – Maine DEP
● Gravel Road Manual
● NH Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater Management
● Conservation Practices for Homeowners

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